Thursday, 28 April 2016

What Happens Now?

Hi all!
Already on my third blog post! Today's is going to be a bit more serious. I had a lovely day in London with my boyfriend, and it has really made me think. We've been together a little over three years now, and we're both very happy - or at least I hope we are! But we met at university, and now I'm looking for a job in my home town, which is a couple of hours from his. And I can't drive. I keep thinking about how hard it will be when we both have full time jobs and can hardly see each other. We are used to either seeing each other every other evening, or the year when we lived apart we still saw each other for about 5 straight days a month. This will just not be possible with both of us working.
Neither of us are ready to live together, and neither of us can afford to either. We both have to live at home because we simply do not have the money to move out. It makes me so sad that I will maybe get half a day every weekend to see this man who is special and important to me. I love him to pieces and it scares me that we may have such little time together.
I know this is much better than a lot of couples have it. I know I'm very lucky to have someone who I care so much about, and who cares about me. I know that some couples don't see each other for months at a time. But that knowledge will not make this any easier. It's making me not want to get a full-time job, because I am so desperate to still have our special time together. Which is, clearly, ridiculous. For one, I can't afford not to. It's just hard to think about right now.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you get through it? Let's me know!
Until next time,

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