Sunday 15 May 2016

The Best Day In Woodbridge

Hi all!
It's been a while since I last wrote a post, I'm sorry! I've been really busy applying for jobs (and mainly getting nowhere) and I haven't really done much besides that. On Tuesday 10th, however, I went to stay with my boyfriend in Ipswich for a couple of days, and it was such beautiful weather. It was so nice to spend a few quality days with him, as - as I've written about before - we do not get to see each other as much as I'd like. On Thursday it was such a lovely day, and so we decided to go to nearby Woodbridge for lunch.
Woodbridge is such a lovely harbour town in Suffolk, with many cute little boutique shops and bars. I love to have a stroll around there on a sunny day, it's a beautiful place with a real mix of people. We went to The Riverside restaurant, which is an adorable place right next to the harbour. 
In this picture, James is wearing my sunglasses, don't worry they're not his! I had a refreshing Pimms and he had a pint of beer. We had wonderful service, the man and woman working that day were extremely friendly and accommodating.
We had an oyster each to start, which was my first ever experience with oysters, and in all honesty probably my last! They were nice enough, but just tasted too much like I was swallowing sea water, and I don't understand the point in spending money- £3 for two oysters - on something you don't even chew!
For main, I had the Seafood Stew and oh my gosh it was amazing! It included a piece of cod, mussels, scallops, prawns, potatoes and spinach! I'm sure there was some other kind of seafood in there too but I can't remember exactly. It was honestly delicious and I would definitely order again, even though as I have mentioned in a post before I am someone who likes to try a different dish each time. It was £17, which may be a little steep, but I do think it was worth it for such excellent cooking, I was definitely pleased! James had fish and chips and he said his was lovely too. All in all, I would definitely recommend The Riverside if you are looking for a really tasty meal; people sitting near us ordered tapas and the selection looked wonderful and they all commented on how delicious everything was.
This is my favourite picture of the day, I think it's hilarious! There is a little ice cream stand in the seating area of the restaurant, and I had mango sorbet and James had raspberry ice cream - still wearing my Willy Wonka sunglasses! Again, it was lovely and refreshing to have this on such a hot day, and we ate these while strolling along the harbour and sitting watching the water. It was so lovely to just have a relaxing afternoon, and I'm so happy when we get to have these days because it is great quality time. We then went back to his house and laid in the garden and chilled out.
Until next time (which hopefully won't be so far away),

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